This was so difficult to put in an order! I love all of these places so much and the experiences that came along with them. Coming up with five was super easy but ranking them was a whole other story. I can’t tell you how many times I rearranged these (too many). I would go to all of these places again in a heartbeat and would love to see something new that I didn’t see initially! I would recommend all of these places to anyone I know. Try it once and see if you fell in love with them as I did! I could change my mind a hundred times on the order but I better quit while I’m ahead!
5. Bloedel Converatory

It was difficult putting the Bloedel Conservatory in 5th place. This place was so breathtaking to be in. It was my family and my first time being here and we all loved it! I was so happy walking around and was so filled with excitement until the moment we left. We saw many stunning birds and had a blast hearing some talk back to us. The Bloedel has more than 100 exotic birds and 500 exotic plants. I would love to go back someday and try to see something new!
4. Victoria

Victoria was beautiful but Victoria Butterfly Gardens and Prince of Whales Whale Watching is what put this place on the list. The Butterfly Gardens is a nice small loop and definitely worth a look if you’re in town. The Whale Watching tour was of course amazing having not seen any wild Orcas before! This was a great mini-vacation with family and I’d definitely go again. Both venues are right up my alley. I always enjoy a glimpse into the world of wildlife!
3. Calgary Zoo

Calgary Zoo comes in number 3 as I keep going back there to experience wildlife and support conservation. It was my peek into the wild ever since I was young. It brings me great delight to share the experience of the zoo with my loved ones. Same animals but you always see something different. Something you couldn’t or didn’t see last time, timing is magical like that. The last time I went, I talked to a keeper about some of their snakes feeding. It was so interesting to learn something new and it was all because I was there at the right time!
2. Hawaii

Technically, there were two locations in this adventure but I’m grouping them up because I can! It was absolutely astonishing to be there and it was a great place to be with family. I’ve never had so many experiences on one trip and I’m so thankful that I had my camera to capture the memories. This was also the place where I fell in love with the ocean and the creatures living in it. I would love to go again when the environment and the people native to Hawaii permit it. I loved my experience there so much!
1. Vancouver Aquarium

I know what you’re thinking. “An aquarium before Hawaii, Callie?! Really!?” The answer is yes. As much as I loved Hawaii, Vancouver Aquarium gives me so much joy and familiarity. Before lockdown, I got a membership there for Christmas and was ecstatic! I would walk down to the aquarium almost every week to walk around, learn, and observe. My favorite part was going right as they open for members and heading straight to Helen (their rescued dolphin) and nine times out of ten she would stop her swimming to look up at you because chances are you were one of the first people she saw that day. It was my favorite thing.